彼得·威廉姆斯中將的眼神透露出不易察覺的憂慮,他轉向科爾曼·秀雷敦,聲音中帶著不解與好奇:“Such a powerful magnetic field, we have been on this planet for many years, why haven't we discovered its existence until now? (“這麼強大的磁場,我們來到這個星球多年,為什麼直到現在都沒有發現它的存在?”)
科爾曼·秀雷敦艦長面無表情地回應道:“General sir, we have surveyed this area more than once, and we never encountered such a powerful magnetic field phenomenon before. This kind of anomaly must have emerged recently. As for the specific reason, I'm afraid only God can prehend. ”(“將軍閣下,這片區域我們曾經勘察過不止一次,之前從未遇到過如此強大的磁場現象。這種異常肯定是近期內才出現的。至於具體原因,恐怕只有上帝才能洞悉。”)他的聲音低沉,彷彿在訴說著一個無法解答的謎。
彼得中將沉默了片刻,在思索著什麼深遠的問題。他緩緩站起身,神情變得莊嚴而虔誠,彷彿在尋求更高力量的指引和庇護。他深情地說道:“We are all the chosen people of God, the most loyal servants of the Lord. In our faith, God reveals His divine will in various ways. I believe that God will also bless us to plete this mission s