他迅速翻阅着文件,嘴角渐渐露出满意的微笑。“Well done, Jane. Excellent work.”(干得好,简。非常好。”) 他赞扬道,然后立刻下达命令:“Keep intensifying the surveillance and report to me immediately if there are any new developments.”(“继续加大侦测力度,一旦有新的情况立即向我报告。”)“Yes, General.”(“是,将军。”)简回答道,
随后,中将转向身边的副总参谋长丹尼尔弗莱明,满脸笑容地说:“Hey buddy, good news. We found them.”(“嗨,伙计,好消息。我们找到他们了。”)他将手中的文件递给了丹尼尔。
阅读完文件内容后,丹尼尔淡定地说道:“This is all expected. After all, their speed is ridiculously slow. Now it's time for the Walden and the Whomar to go into action.”(“这不过是意料之中的事。毕竟,他们的航行速度慢得可怜。现在是时候让‘华尔顿号’和‘沃海马号’出击了。”)
中将随即发出命令:“Order the Walden and the Whomar to proceed at full speed immediately under the guise of maintaining international space security. Order the target vehicle to stop for inspection. If they refuse, issue a warning to fire. If they still refuse to ply, destroy them.”(