a performance. Hay was only released after another trainer jammed a fist into the whale's blowhole.
In November 1986, trainer Mark Beeler was held against a wall by Kandu V during a live performance.
In 1986, an unidentified Marineland of Canada trainer was taken to the hospital after he fell off the park's male killer whale, Kandu 7 not to be confused with Kandu V, and was dragged by his leg around the pool during a trick.
In 1986, a 4-year-old female orca, Nootka V not to be confused with Nootka IV, hit an unidentified MarineLand, Ontario trainer in the head with her pectoral fin during a show. According to a former trainer, the whale had a habit of leaping out of the water in an attempt to strike trainers by the pool in the chest.
1987年 3月 4日,20歲的聖地亞哥海洋世界訓練員喬納森·史密斯被公園裡一頭重達 5.4噸(6短噸)的虎鯨抓住。逆戟鯨將馴獸師拖到水槽底部,然後帶著流著血的他一路回到水面,然後把他吐了出來。當第二隻逆戟鯨撞向史密斯時,史密斯向人群揮手致意。他繼續假裝自己沒有受傷,因為鯨魚反覆將他拖到體育場游泳池的底部。史密斯全身被割傷,腎臟破裂,肝臟有 6英寸的裂傷,但他設法保住了性命逃離