第38章 天選之民 (第1/4頁)
“It has been 150 plus hours, and we still haven't received a single piece of news.”(“已經150多個小時了,我們怎麼一點訊息都沒有收到?”)中將問道。
科爾曼·秀雷敦艦長站在他的身邊,表情嚴肅,語氣謹慎地回應道:“Dear General, as you know, since they entered that abnormal magnetic field area, all munications have been pletely disrupted. The gravity wave radar on our starship has also been in an invalid state due to the high magnetic field interference in this area.” (“尊敬的將軍閣下,正如您所知,從他們進入那片異常磁場區開始,所有的通訊就完全中斷了。我們的星艦上的引力波雷達也由於受到這片區域的高磁場干擾,一直處於失效狀態。”)
彼得·威廉姆斯中將的臉上浮現出不悅之色: “Can we just be so powerless and stagnate like this?”(“難道我們就這樣無能為力,停滯不前嗎?”)
“That is not the case, General.” (“並非如此,將軍。”)秀雷敦迅速補充說道:“Actually, half an hour ago, we have dispatched the last Walton-class aggressive battle cruiser on the starship. It has conducted close-in reconnaissance at the outermost part of this magnetic field. I belie