“Dell sir, the password they set is too simple. It is very unreasonable to set such a simple password in such an important place. I only used it three times to decipher it. So I highly suspect that there has been some trickery inside. Please trust me.” (“戴尔先生,他们设置的这个密码太简单了。这么重要的地方设置如此简单的密码,本身就极不合理。我仅用了三次就成功破译出来了。因而我非常怀疑,这里面做了某种手脚。请您相信我。”)高幸幸无奈之下只能再次说道。她的声音中带着些许焦急与恳切,目光坚定地与戴尔先生对视着。
“.This is the just-decoded instruction and password.”(“这是刚破译的指令和密码。”)高幸幸一边说着,一边拿出一张光脑卡片,将它递给了乔治·戴尔。紧接着,她又说道:“Before you open this door, please send me back to the mother ship in advance. I don't want to perish along with these foolish people.”(“在你们开启这道门之前,请先把我送回到母舰上去。我可不想和这群愚蠢的人一同灭亡。”)
乔治·戴尔低头想了想,说道:“Michael Burton. You send Miss Gao back to the starship and make sure Miss Gao is safe.” (“迈克尔·伯顿。你把高小姐送回星舰去,要确保高小姐的安全。”)
“Thank you.”高幸幸说完转身跟随着迈克尔离去。“高小姐,等等我。”艾达金见状也跟着高幸幸跑了出去。